Communities thrive when making learning fun is what's most contagious on
campgrounds, in classrooms, theaters, recreation centers, music rehearsal halls,
gymnasiums, religious and social organizations. A natural side effect
of positive reinforcement is less bullying. When children learn
to both receive and give positive constructive feedback, while working
together toward common goals from the earliest possible age, some social issues like joining gangs or bullying may never take hold.
I See You Films Arts-In-Education Series is an 8 to 12 week recreational early childhood intervention
series of lesson plans with children ages 6 - 12 in mind. With
positive social reinforcement children adapt supportive communication skills. As a result of using this fully downloadable series, implementing it with your extra time and a little love, children will learn to either put on a live performance of the script or make a short film in just 6 to 8 weeks. Add a few more weeks to teach them the marketing and public relations skills so that they can sell tickets to a supportive community audience and show off their new skills; demonstrating what a little cooperation can accomplish. It's all in the I See You Films Arts-In-Education download. Filled with games, activities and
strategies to keep learning fun; children improve their literature, spelling,
grammar, acting performance speech, diction, and public presentation skills. They also tend to gain mutual respect for each others' gifts, strengthening healthy team work.
Children get so engaged with I See You Films Arts-In Education, that they seldom realize how much their communication skills are developing. You will notice and their teachers will too! Purchase the completely downloadable series to implement yourself or gift it to your favorite community organization. Help make it popular again to instill mutual respect, self confidence, stronger analytical and communication skills. Start young at 6 years old, because early childhood intervention is key.
Give the gift that will last a life-time. Use your precious time and attention to give the children of your community a real "equal opportunity." Go to the website and download the I See You Films Arts-In-Education Series today.